Servicios especiales


How do I submit a special service request for a passenger that requires special services?
There are a few ways to add a special services request. For information about how to add a special service request, visit our Add/Modify special services  page. If you need additional services that are available you can request it by filling ou...
¿Hay asistencia disponible en el aeropuerto para llegar hasta o desde la puerta?
Haznos saber si necesitas asistencia en el aeropuerto, ya sea durante el embarque o al salir de la aeronave.  While booking your reservation, simply select on " Add Special Services " on the Traveler Details page, and choose the options you need. Once at the a...
¿Hay sillas de rueda disponibles en el aeropuerto?
¡Sí! Mientras haces tu reserva, simplemente selecciona "Agregar servicios especiales" en la página Detalles del viajero y elige las opciones que desees. Once at the airport, you can alert a skycap at curbside or a Frontier representative at the ticket counter,...
Traveling with a Wheelchair
Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices Wheelchairs (manual or electric, folding, non-folding, or collapsible), scooters, and other mobility devices (walkers, canes, and crutches) are allowed items that can be brought onto the aircraft either in the car...
Can I bring a battery-powered wheelchair or mobility aid on the plane?
Federal regulations allow a lithium ion, spillable (wet cell) or non-spillable (dry cell) battery to remain installed only if it is securely attached to the mobility device, the battery housing provides protection from damage, and the terminals are ...
¿Un menor de edad puede viajar solo?
Effective November 1, 2018, Frontier Airlines will no longer accept children traveling alone under the age of 15 yrs. of age.  Any child under the age of 15 must be on the same reservation as an accompanying adult. ...
¿Puedo llevar oxígeno en el avión?
NOTA: no está permitido llevar a bordo o dentro del equipaje documentado cilindros de oxígeno medicinal líquido y comprimido durante un vuelo. El oxígeno de emergencia en la aeronave (tanques y máscaras de oxígeno) no puede utilizarse a menos que haya una emergencia. Algunos...
¿Puedo llevar medicamentos y/o dispositivos médicos en el avión?
Los medicamentos deberían ir en tu equipaje de mano, no en el equipaje documentado. Los dispositivos médicos pueden llevarse en el equipaje documentado o en el equipaje de mano, siempre y cuando no exceda las dimensiones permitidas del equipaje de mano. Refer to for permitte...
¿Puedo llevar un animal de servicio o de apoyo emocional conmigo en el vuelo?
Only dogs will be accepted as a service animal which are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability. This includes psychiatric service animals. For complete details regarding required documentat...
¿Frontier permite el transporte de restos humanos?
Frontier does not accept human remains for shipment.  NOTE:  Crematory remains (human or animal) may be transported under certain conditions. The container must be made of a material such as wood or plastic that can be successfully screened by ...
Personal militar
ACTIVE MILITARY PERSONNEL BAGS Frontier welcomes U.S. military  service members  onboard. Active U.S. military personnel and their accompanying spouse and children, when presenting either a  valid/unexpired  Com...
Agrega/modifica servicios especiales
You can access your booking to add Special Services on our website or app. To use the website: Go to " My Trip /Check-In " and enter your " Last Name " and " Confirmation Code ", then press the " search " button.     Then...
¿Qué es la Asistencia de agentes en aeropuerto?
Here at Frontier, we make  optional services  available to you to personalize your travel. Airport Agent Assistance is available for purchase for our passengers who prefer assistance at the airport for things like checking in and printing your boa...
Hard of Hearing or Vision Assistance
If you need assistance for a customer who is deaf/hard of hearing , or is blind/sight impaired , please let us know how we can help. Please identify yourself to our flight crew while onboard, so we can be sure to establish an acceptable means ...
Nuts or Other Allergies
Debido a la presencia de alérgenos alimenticios en los alimentos que servimos, Frontier Airlines no puede garantizar un entorno sin alérgenos en sus vuelos. We also cannot prevent passengers from bringing products containing nuts or other allergens (e.g. service ani...
Safety and Personal Care Assistant
En algunas circunstancias, podemos solicitar que el pasajero viaje con un asistente de seguridad. The situations below require a continuous safety assistant: The passenger, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately t...
Customers Requiring Extra Seat Space
Los clientes que no pueden bajar ambos apoyabrazos, o que ocupan alguna porción del asiento adyacente o pasillo, deben reservar dos asientos antes de viajar. El apoyabrazos se considera el límite definitivo entre los asientos. Additionally, armrests (when fu...