National Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Day is an opportunity to shine a light on this highly-skilled, important workforce in aviation. On this day and every day, Frontier honors our AMTs.
The date May 24 was chosen because it marks the birthday of Charles E. Taylor, the world’s first AMT. Taylor designed, built and maintained the engine for the Wright brothers’ first aircraft beginning in 1903.
On April 30, 2008, Congress passed a resolution supporting National AMT Day.
Thanks to AMTs, Frontier's fleet remains safe and reliable - a task that comes with enormous responsibility. For AMT Day, we are profiling one of many talented AMTs.
MCO-based Quality Control Inspection Representative Salvador Gonzalez-Rodiles has worked for Frontier for over a year.

What is your favorite part of your job? My favorite part of the job is to exchange knowledge and learn something new and different every day with the Frontier team.
What is the most challenging part of your job? The most challenging part of my job is to keep up with the new technology aircraft manufacturers create on these airplanes, especially the Leap and Pratt and Whitney GTF engines. They have newer designs on the gearbox and gas path systems.
What has been your favorite memory since you’ve been working for Frontier? I have very good memories at Frontier Airlines. I started at TPA with the Heavy Maintenance crew, and they treated me like family from Day 1. While in DEN during training, all of my coworkers helped me get trained with a lot of good knowledge and respect. Later on I moved to MCO where the crew has treated me the same way. I’m very grateful to be part of the F9 team.
Anything else you’d like to add that you think I missed? Thanks to Mark Fryan, Michael Janssen and the whole F9 Inspection department for giving me the opportunity to become part of their team.